Sagar Watch/ In the upcoming Lok Sabha elections, Bharatiya Janata Party is going to form the government with 400 plus seats under the leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The party will win Sagar Lok Sabha seat by a margin of 5 lakh votes. Bundelkhand Lok Sabha cluster in-charge, Bhupendra Singh said this in a press conference organized after the Sagar Lok Sabha meeting.
Cluster in-charge shri Singh explained the action plan prepared by the national leadership in the meeting of BJP officials, public representatives and workers from all the eight assembly constituencies of Sagar Lok Sabha constituency in the district BJP office and made a plan to implement it.
He said that an action plan has been prepared by dividing all 543 Lok Sabha constituencies into 146 clusters for the purpose of election campaign. Accordingly, 29 Lok Sabha constituencies of Madhya Pradesh have been divided into 7 clusters and given charges.
Shri Singh informed the journalists about the preparations for the four Lok Sabha constituencies of Bundelkhand and Sagar divisions under his charge. Lok Sabha constituency level offices have been started in Sagar and Damoh and by January 31, offices of Tikamgarh and Khajuraho Lok Sabha constituencies will also be started. After this, all assembly constituency level Lok Sabha election offices will be opened by the middle of February.
He said that according to the recent results of eight assembly constituencies of Sagar Lok Sabha constituency, we are ahead of Congress by about 1.5 lakh votes in 7 assembly seats. Now with the slogan of 'Siyavar Ramchandra ki Jai' and the concept of Ramrajya, we will achieve the target of winning Sagar Lok Sabha seat by 5 lakh votes.
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